Learn all about the ProOne water filter to decide if it’s a good filter option for your drinking water!
For years, we filtered our water with a small pitcher that used carbon filters. There was nothing fancy about it, but it worked okay, especially for the years where it was just my husband and I. Fast forward to becoming a family of four where our water consumption grew substantially and that pitcher was no longer cutting it. We’d have to fill it multiple times a day and it really was a pain.
So, we tried a filtering system that was supposed to work really well and had a larger reservoir. The filter worked great, but unfortunately, each filter only last 10 days before it needed to be replaced. Now, you may be thinking, why not try to stretch it out a bit to save some money? Well, with these particular filters, the water started to taste terrible and you HAD to change the filter at that point. After doing the math, it was clear that filtering system was not one that was sustainable. So I began looking for alternatives …
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A filtering system that I had my eye on for a while was a stainless steel, large capacity gravity water filter called the Berkey. Many people I follow rave about this type of filter, so I thought I’d give it a harder look. There are so many advantages to the Berkey filter: it’s made of stainless steel and not plastic, it holds a large amount of water and has claims about removing a significant amount of contaminants. Additionally, they claim you only have to change the filter once a year, or even less frequently. I was intrigued and ready to pull the trigger.
However, one big drawback about the Berkey is the cost. This type of filter comes at a steep price tag of well over $300. Additionally, if you’re a research nerd like me, some of the claims they make aren’t backed by credible sources. Now, I have never tried the Berkey system and if you have one, no shame to you. So many people love their filters and if you’re one of them, I’m so happy for you! However, for my family and peace of mind, I wanted to find a system that was similar, but was cheaper and was certified by a credible source.
I reached out to my followers on Instagram on their opinion and someone suggested a company called ProOne. As I started to compare and do some research on their water filtering systems, I was happy with what I found and ultimately, as you probably guessed by the title of this post, chose to go with the ProOne Big+ Gravity Water FIlter! In this post, I’ll break down why I chose the ProOne water filter and give my full and honest review after 6 months using it!


To backtrack a little bit, let’s talk quickly about why you should filter your drinking water in the first place. I wrote a whole post about it, but here’s the CliffsNotes version. Regardless of if you have well water or tap water, there’s a good chance that your water is contaminated. Those contaminants could be heavy metals, pesticides, harsh chemicals and potentially viruses and bacteria. If you have a well system, there’s potential that you have cleaner water. Even better, you can test it to see exactly what is contaminating your water and choose a filter accordingly.
When it comes to tap water or city water, you have less control over what may be lingering in your drinking water. You can check out the EWG Tap Water Database to see what was found in your drinking water to make a better decision on what water filtration system to use.
There are several different types of water filters on the market with varying price points and abilities. Depending on your situation, some might be better than others. Here’s a quick breakdown of some of the different types of water filters and what they do:
- Activated Carbon Water Filters: Carbon water filters use activated carbon to absorb contaminants and odors. The contaminants get trapped inside the filter, which results in cleaner drinking water.
- Mechanical: Mechanical water filters use a system to physically remove large particles from drinking water including sand and sediment. These systems do not remove dissolved solids and chemicals.
- Reverse Osmosis Water Filters: RO puts water under pressure and forces it through filters to remove contaminants and debris. It’s often combined with filters like carbon and mechanical. This is the most effective form of water filtration, but it’s typically expensive.
- Ultra Violet Water Filters: UV water filters use ultra violet light to kill viruses and bacteria found in drinking water. It also uses no chemicals to purify water, which is a bonus!
Some other factors to consider when you’re looking for a water filtration system are as follows: price, capacity, certifications, what the claims on the filters are and longevity of the filters. Let’s dive into the ProOne Big+ Gravity Filter and talk about each of those factors and more!

Gravity water filters can get pretty pricey, but I found that ProOne was actually really affordable. For a brand new ProOne Big+ gravity filter, it will run you around $280. That price includes includes the system itself, two filters (fluoride filtering is integrated into the filters) and a stand. That is still much cheaper than the Berkey water filter.
If you’re like me and always looking for a bargain, then the scratch and dent, or the outlet store, is better for you! I got my ProOne Big+ gravity filter for around $200 and that included the two filters and a stand. The system came with a few minor scuffs, many of which I was able to buff out. If you’re okay with a slightly imperfect system, then the outlet section is worth it!
We are a family of four that uses a lot of water. I try to drink about a gallon a day, my kids drink a lot and my husband makes tea all day long (when he’s at home at least). The ProOne Big+ has a 3 gallon capacity. This is perfect for our family. We fill it about once a day or once every day and a half and that works well for us.
Now, we use this mostly for drinking water and occasionally use it in our cooking. If you have a larger family, then you may find yourself filling this filter more often. The Big+ is the biggest size ProOne makes. Berkey makes a similar size that has a 3.25 gallon capacity, so it’s not too different. Capacity is definitely a factor to consider.
- Longevity: The ProOne G2.0 filter has a longevity of 6 months or 1200 gallons per filter. So, if you use two filters, they should last a year at least. This longevity isn’t as much as the Berkey water filters, which are at 3000 gallons per filter, so keep that in mind.
- Filter perks: You don’t have to prime the filters and you don’t have to keep them wet when they’re not in use. You also don’t have to buy an additional flouride filter because it is built into the regular filters.
- Certification: According to the ProOne website, “The ProOne® G2.0 series filter is the only gravity filter that bears the distinguished NSF/ANSI-42 component certification.”
- To find out what the ProOne filters remove from drinking water, you can visit here.

- Holds 3 gallons of water
- Made of stainless steel, not plastic and comes with a stainless steel spigot
- Easy to clean
- Will take other filters like the Berkey water filters (although I haven’t tried myself)
- Filters last 6 months or more per filter
- The filters will remove fluoride, so there’s no need to buy additional filters
- Room temperature water
- Doesn’t remove all dissolved solids
- Takes up room on the counter
- Not as good as a reverse osmosis system
- Expensive compared to smaller pitcher filters

In conclusion, I’m overall pleased with the ProOne Big+ filter system. It’s convenient, the water tastes good and it’s low maintenance. I hope this was helpful in your journey to finding and purchasing a water filtering system for your home. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out!
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